This project started with a short brief shared by 1 of our executives over email:

“Need your help in redesigning the share certificate. Please reposition all data points I circled and feel free to refresh the look & feel of the frame with our new branding colours”.

As an example, there was an old certificate attached to the mail that we could use for a reference.

certificate revision 1.jpg

In this case study you will find how a simple task “move data points around & change colours” turned into a much bigger idea - building a capability of generating certificates automatically for each investor subscribing on the Private funds marketplace.

Our goals

  1. Create a pixel perfect version of the share certificate that reflects our new branding colours and enhances readability and practicality.
  2. Investigate the feasibility and benefits of developing a digital version of the certificate that can be accessed and customized by the shareholders through our app or website.
  3. Demonstrate to our management team & stakeholders the value and rationale of our design process and solutions by inviting their feedback and collaboration (this goal is important to build trust and alignment with the decision-makers)

Why a shareholder would ever need/want a Share Certificate?

We thought that the era of printed certificates passed a long time ago. But after looking at how other companies handle certificates (Google, Microsoft, Meta & others), we realised it’s not quite correct:

<aside> 💡 Some shareholders are uncomfortable with purely digital certificates. A physical / tangible representation gives them ease of mind


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